by Webmaster | May 20, 2015 | News
Twyla Sketchley presented “What’s New, Exciting & Helpful in Elder Law” today at Area Agency on Aging for North Florida, Inc.’s Coalition on Aging Meeting at the Tallahassee Senior Center. A great time with an amazing aging network!
by Webmaster | Mar 27, 2015 | News
Twyla Sketchley, B.C.S. presented today at the Florida Bar Elder Law Section’s Guardianship Intensive Program. She presented The Discovery Process and Refresher on Rules of Evidence in Guardianship. She also presented with Wendy Loquasto, B.C.S., appellate...
by Webmaster | Mar 10, 2015 | News
The new dining calendars are now available at The Tallahassee Senior Center or online at Look for the logo you see here and follow the instructions. Enjoy the discounts.
by Webmaster | Feb 28, 2015 | News
Twyla Sketchley participated in the Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys (AFELA) annual strategic planning meeting February 27 and 28, 2015 with other leaders of AFELA. Ms. Sketchley serves as the AFELA Secretary and Chair of its Budget Committee.
by Webmaster | Jan 20, 2015 | News
Attorney Twyla Sketchley provided written and oral testimony at the hearing that led the Florida Supreme Court to issue this advisory opinion. This advisory opinion, designed to protected Florida’s elders & their families from the unregulated, unmonitored...
by Webmaster | Jan 18, 2015 | News
Twyla Sketchley and the entire Sketchley Law Firm team attended the Elder Law Section’s Essentials of Elder Law and Annual Update, January 15-17, 2015. Ms. Sketchley presented Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation and Guardianship Hot Topics.